Poultry - Target and Achievement | Official Website of Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, Government of Puducherry, India

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Poultry - Target and Achievement

Government Of Puducherry
Department Of Animal Husbandry And Animal Welfare
Office Of The Joint Director (poultry)

1) Physical Target (proposed)

Schemes No. of Birds Achievement during the year 2017-18
Puducherry Karaikal Mahe Yanam Total Puducherry Karaikal Mahe Yanam Total  
Distribution of Dual purpose chicks at 50% subsidy (6-8 week age) 16000 10000 2000 2000 30000 8,833 4,500 -- -- 13,333

2) Physical Target (proposed)

Schemes Puducherry Karaika Mahe Yanam Total
Distribution of 18 Week Layer Pullets at 5 birds per beneficiary at Free of Cost 10000 birds
2000 beneficiaries
4000 birds
800 beneficiaries
500 birds
100 beneficiaries
500 birds
100 beneficiaries
15000 birds
3000 beneficiaries
Distribution of 6 Week Turkey poults at 50% subsidy 3400 birds 1200 birds 200 birds 200 birds 5000 birds