Recommended vaccine schedule | Official Website of Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, Government of Puducherry, India

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Recommended vaccine schedule

Recommended vaccine schedule for Livestock for Puducherry, Karaikal and Yanam

Vaccine Recommended Schedule
FMD Once in six months as per GOI instruction
April-May Ist Mass vaccination
Oct-Nov IInd Mass vaccination
HS Sept-Oct
Anthrax May-June (at endemic areas only)
B.Q Sept-Oct(at endemic areas only)
P.P.R Sept-Oct (Sheep & goat only)
ARV Post exposure to all animals
1-3-7-21 days
Prophylaxis for pet animals only
Above 3 months of age and repeated annually.

Recommended Vaccination Schedule For Commercial Farming For Puducherry

Vaccination Schedule For Poultry (Layer)

Age(Days) Vaccine
5 –7 RDV F1
14-16 IBDv
24-26 IBDv
40 IBDv
70 FPV
120 RDVK

Vaccination Schedule For Poultry (Broiler)

Age (Days) Vaccine
5 –7 RDV F
14-16 IBDv
28-30 RDLV